
Ads Art by Dinger, Honey & Pidge.

Whether you're a vendor looking to showcase your unique wares in our bustling vendors' hall, a business within the furry fandom eager to reach your core demographic, or a local Portland, Maine business aiming to tap into a diverse and engaged community, Furcationland offers a range of impactful advertising options.

Con Book

Con book advertisements are available in quarter-page ($15), half-page ($30), and full-page ($60) sizes. Advertisements must be in black and white or grayscale, in 300 dpi resolution, and appropriate for all audiences. If your ad is not in black and white or grayscale, it will be converted.

Apply now!

Applications closed on February 28th

At midnight on the night of February 28th applications will no longer be able to be submitted.

Main Events & FCL TV

Main Events & FCL TV advertisements are available in 30 second ($45) and 45 second ($75) lengths. Submit video ads to play throughout the con during Main Events ad breaks. They will play on the ballroom projectors and on the live broadcast. Prices have been discounted as we launch this pilot project as at this time we can not guarantee specific time/event slots or how many times ads will be shown in rotation.

Apply now!

Applications will close on March 28th

At midnight on the night of March 28th applications will no longer be able to be submitted.